
After installing make sure to launch the application and follow the instructions.
Commit will pop up automatically when you make a commit in one of your projects. To save your commit message, press the Commit button or theCtrl+Return shortcut. To abort and dismiss Commit, press the Abort button or the Escape key.
- Highlights overflow of the commit title
- Smart body wrapping
- Inserts a blank line between title and body
- Comments are readonly and excluded from “Select All”
- Displays project folder and branch in window header
- Dark mode support
- Keyboard navigation and shortcuts
- Undo/Redo support
- Emoji picker
- Supports git commit, merge, tag –annotate, add –patch, rebase –interactive
- Supports Mercurial commit
- Auto capitalize the commit title
- Welcome window with settings and instructions
- Highlight syntax for Git, Mercurial and diffs