

发布 03.09.2021

      • 这是修复 timeshift-autosnap 包的快速版本。基本上,以前的 ISO 在更新之前没有备份您的系统。首先我们建议删除包 时移自动快照 如果你安装了它。检查添加/删除软件。其次,我们建议您安装 timeshift-autosnap-manjaro.最后,去 etc/timeshift-autosnap.conf 并以管理员身份打开它(右键单击)。只需更改行 skipRsyncAutosnap=trueskipRsyncAutosnap = false.就是这样!

作者: 电音

A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux. We think it’s easier to use than MacOS, better than Windows, more customizable than Android, and more secure than iOS. For Internet users, media editors/consumers, programmers, writers, designers, artists. Everyone!


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