sawir qaade

Habka RSYNC, sawir qaade ayaa la qaadayaa iyadoo la isticmaalayo rsync iyo hard-links. Faylasha caadiga ah waxaa la wadaagaa inta u dhaxaysa sawir-qaade kaas oo kaydiya booska diskka. Sawir kasta waa kayd nidaam buuxa oo lagu baadho maamulaha faylka.


sawir qaade

Ever wanted to know the value of that color on your screen? Gcolor3 enables you to pick the color from any pixel on your screen. It also offers a palette, so that you can easily mix and match a couple of colors together.

When you have found the perfect combination of colors, naturally you want to save them. Gcolor3 allows you to conveniently save and retrieve colors.

Gcolor3 is a color selection dialog written in GTK+ 3. It is much alike Gcolor2, but uses the newer GTK+ version and other modernisations to better integrate into your modern desktop.

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