chithunzi chotsitsa

chithunzi chotsitsa

Tikukulimbikitsani kuti muyang'ane zosintha zathu chifukwa, nthawi zina, mungafunike kusintha pamanja kuti TROMjaro ikhale yodabwitsa;). Mutha… kudzera pa RSS kapena EMAIL kuti muzidziwitso za zomwe tatulutsa.

TROMjaro XFCE ikuyamba!

Mlungu wina, kusintha kwina. Zomwe tasintha:

  • We removed the TROMjaro GDM theme. This is basically the “log in” screen theme that Dave helped to build, but since Dave cannot help with TROMjaro anymore and the theme was not updated in months, resulting in some visual artifacts, we recommend that you remove it. Simply go to Add/Remove Software and search for “tromjaro-gdm-theme” and remove it. Do not worry, the log in screen will look almost the same as before.
  • The login screen may display a big TROMjaro logo. The updates we pushed should remove that logo. If, after a restart and the latest updates, you still see that logo there and you hate it, open the terminal and paste this line “sudo rm /usr/share/icons/manjaro/maia/tromjaro-logo.png” – enter, then add your password and enter again. Should be gone now.
  • Tidabwereranso ku paketi yoyambirira ya zithunzi za Zafiro. Chonde pitani patsamba lazithunzi za Zafiro Pano, and install it. It will automatically remove the “bad” Zafiro icon theme and install the good one. If you can’t see the changes go to your Tweaks, select a different icon pack, then select Zafiro again. Done.
  • We installed the “pamac-gnome-integration” package. This allows for users to right click any app in the side bar or the app menu, and then “show details” to open that app in the Software Center. It is an easy way to see more info about an app or uninstall an app.

This is a very small update to fix an issue with WebTorrent that didn’t allow for users to change anything in ‘preferences’. And because of that torrent files were downloaded in the ‘temp’ folder creating a lot of mess. That folder is ‘temporary’ so whatever one downloaded there it would have been deleted soon. Also, other apps would not have been able to work properly since the ‘tmp’ folder would have been full. Nevertheless we opted in for a different webtorrent version. So, the only thing one has to do is to go to Webtorrent page Pano to install the proper Webtorrent app. Don’t worry, in the process it will remove the old Webtorrent + your settings will still be in place. Before you do this, please quit Webtorrent if you have it open – File – Quit. That’s all!

Since the previous release some updates broke TROMjaro’s desktop environment a bit. To make sure you update TROMjaro properly please read Nkhani iyi. This update is mainly for ‘update’ reasons but we also changed and added a few things here and there. We will not list the changes that are already listed in the article above, so please read that if you want to see what we updated to fix the desktop. .
  • Tinasintha SMplayer ndi Exaile ndi Parole monga chosasinthika kanema / audio player. Tikufuna kuti TROMjaro ikhale yosavuta kugwiritsa ntchito ndipo SMplayer ndi Exaile zinali zovuta kwambiri kwa ogwiritsa ntchito wamba, kupereka zosankha zambiri kuposa zomwe anthu ambiri amafunikira. Parole ndi wosewera wosavuta kwambiri komanso wosavuta kugwiritsa ntchito mafayilo amakanema ndi ma audio. Zachidziwikire, aliyense atha kukhazikitsa SMplayer ndi Exaile kuchokera ku library yathu yamapulogalamu opanda malonda.
  • We replaced the old and not-working-anymore ‘Sci-hub’ Firefox extension with the ‘Go to Sci-Hub’ kuwonjezera.
  • Tidachotsa Google pamndandanda wamainjini osakira a Firefox ndikuwonjezeranso ena omwe alibe malonda: Kusaka kwa MetaGer, wanga, Peekier, ndi Searx.
  • Tinawonjezera chopeza mafonti app kuti tithandizire kuti anthu azitha kuyika zilembo mu TROMjaro mosavuta. Tinawonjezeranso GColor.
  • Tinawonjeza gnome-shell-extension-unite ndi gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock monga phukusi osati zowonjezera kuti zigwirizane bwino. Ngati muli ndi TROMjaro kale mutha kuyiyikanso.
  • Tinawonjeza GNote popeza tinalibe pulogalamu yolembera.
  • Tinawonjeza Kazam ndi Audio Recorder popeza tikuganiza kuti zidazi ndizofunikira pamakina aliwonse ogwiritsira ntchito (kuti ogwiritsa ntchito athe kujambula mawu / kanema).
  • Tidasowanso pulogalamu yomwe imalola kuti anthu azilumikizana, ndiye tidawonjezera zabwino qTox messenger yemwe amapereka macheza / makanema / mawu omvera.
  • Pomaliza tinawonjezera pulogalamu yodabwitsa yotchedwa Marble. Ndi chida cha mamapu, komanso chophunzitsira.
  • Tinathandizira chithandizo cha flatpak mu pulogalamu ya Add/Chotsani. Izi zimatsegula mapulogalamu ambiri pakati pa mapulogalamu. Ikani kuchokera pano pamac-flatpak-plugin ngati muli ndi TROMjaro kale. Tikukulimbikitsani kuti muyiyike popeza posachedwa titha kulola ogwiritsa ntchito kukhazikitsa mapulogalamu a flatpak molunjika kuchokera ku library yathu ya pulogalamu, chifukwa chake mukufuna phukusili. Tidathandizanso mwachisawawa pakutulutsidwa kwatsopano kwa TROMjaro. Kuti muyitse pamanja pitani ku Add/Chotsani Mapulogalamu, dinani chizindikiro cha Menyu, kenako Zokonda. Onjezani mawu anu achinsinsi ndikusunthira ku tabu ya Flatpak. Yambitsani izo motere.
  • We installed some drivers for printers’ support. hplip-zochepa kukhala wolondola kwambiri.
NOTE: There is a minor bug with the latest ISOs – the extension ‘unite’ is deactivated when you first boot the system after a fresh install. To fix it, press Alt+F2, write ‘r’ (just the letter), and enter. That’s all.

This release is mostly (almost all of it) about ‘updates’. We are trying to release a new TROMjaro ISO every month so that new users get to test and install an updated version of TROMjaro. Past users get these updates automatically. However, on top of these updates we may push little changes that we will always list with the release. For this release we did the following:


  • Enabled the pinch-to-zoom in Firefox for touchscreen devices. If you already have a touchscreen device we recommend you do that too since it greatly improves the zoom ability for websites. Go to about:config (write that in the URL bar) and search for ‘setting apz.allow_zooming’. Click it to enable it.
  • We added a new Gnome Extension: “Zorin Screen kiyibodi batani” to easily access the virtual keyboard when you are using a tablet-computer.

Kusintha kumeneku kumagwira makamaka kusunga TROM-Jaro kusinthidwa kwa iwo omwe akufuna kuyiyika kuyambira pachiyambi. Nthawi ndi nthawi tidzasintha iso chifukwa chokhala ndi TROM-Jaro yosinthidwa pazifukwa zachitetezo komanso zogwirizana. Komabe, pamwamba pazimenezi tinawonjezera / kupititsa patsogolo zotsatirazi:

  • Anawonjezera kernel-moyo package to make sure that when people update the kernel, the update won’t break the current session. Normally it is recommended to restart the computer after a kernel update, but with this package it is not necessary to do that unless you want to use the new kernel updates. Previous TROM-Jaro users can click the above URL and install the package.
  • Kusintha kwa Kernel 5.4 LTS yatsopano. Iyi ndi kernel Yothandizira Nthawi Yaitali (LTS). Ndizochitika zachilendo zomwe zimachitika zaka zingapo zilizonse. Tikupangira kuti ogwiritsa ntchito akale a TROM-Jaro asinthe ku kernel yatsopano. Ndi zophweka kwambiri. Ikani manjaro-settings-manager (another new package that we added to this new ISO). Open it. Go to ‘Kernel’. Then, where it says kernel 5.4 (xx) LTS, click install.
    Once the installation is complete simply reboot the computer. That’s all.
  • Tinawonjezera a Sound switcher Kukulitsa kwa Gnome kotero ndikosavuta kusintha kutulutsa kwamawu (zokamba / zomvera) ndikuyika mawu (maikolofoni) molunjika kuchokera kumtunda wakumanja. Ogwiritsa ntchito a TROM-Jaro am'mbuyomu amatha kudina ulalo womwe uli pamwambapa, kenako ndikuyambitsa.
  • Ife m'malo mwa Mpukutu wa Voliyumu Gnome yowonjezera ndi Scrollvol chifukwa Scrollvol imasungidwa bwino / kusinthidwa. Amachitanso zomwezo, kulola ogwiritsa ntchito kusintha voliyumu podutsa pamwamba pa kapamwamba. Scrollvol imagwira ntchito kokha mukasuntha kumanja (zizindikiro) za gawo lapamwamba. Titha kuyesa kuti izi zigwire ntchito ndi kapamwamba konse mtsogolo. Ogwiritsa ntchito a TROM-Jaro am'mbuyomu amatha kungoletsa kukulitsa kwa Volume Scroll ndikuyambitsa Scrollvol.
  • We made WebTorrent open the video files that it cannot play, with SMplayer by default, instead of VLC. This is a bug in WebTorrent that doesn’t let you change the default player from its preferences so we had to do it manually. Previous TROM-Jaro users can do that by navigating to Home/.config/WebTorrent (if you can’t find the folder press Ctrl + H to see the hidden folders) and simply edit the file called ‘config.json’ with the default text editor. At the line ‘externalPlayerPath’: ” onjezani /usr/bin/smplayer kotero zikuwoneka ngati ‘externalPlayerPath’: ‘/usr/bin/smplayer’. Save and that’s it.
  • Tidawonjeza maphukusi ndi masinthidwe amtundu wina ku Firefox kuti TROM-Jaro igwire ntchito bwino ndi zida za touchscreen. Autorotation kapena kugwira manja kwa Firefox ndi zina mwazosintha zomwe tawonjezera. Ngati mukugwiritsa ntchito kale TROM-Jaro ndipo muli ndi chipangizo cholumikizira, gwiritsani ntchito yathu thandizo la macheza kotero ife tikhoza kukuthandizani kuchita izi.

Uku ndikumasulidwa kwakukulu chifukwa takonzanso zonse zomwe TROMjaro imapangidwira kumbuyo. Palibe zambiri zomwe zasintha kwa ogwiritsa ntchito kutsogolo kupatula kuti akuyenera kusamukira kumalo athu atsopano.


Tinakonza zotani?

Ntchito yathu yonse ya TROMjaro yayamba GitLab zikomo kwa Dave yemwe adagwira ntchito ngati wamisala kuti TROMjaro ikhale yolinganizidwa bwino komanso yogwira ntchito. Pamwamba pa izi, tidawonjeza maphukusi angapo kuchokera ku AUR ndikupanga ochepa athu makamaka kuti titchule Manjaro ndi kununkhira kwathu kwa TROMjaro. GDM, GRUB, Installer, onse ali ndi fungo la TROM!


Kwenikweni tinachita izi:

  • Adachotsa chizindikiro cha Manjaro ndikuyika chizindikiro cha TROM.
  • Tinasuntha chosungira chathu ku TROM Cloud ndipo tsopano tikugwiritsa ntchito mndandanda wagalasi m'malo mwa URL yosavuta yake. Mwanjira iyi, titha kuyang'anira bwino malo athu kuchokera ku TROM Cloud ndikuwonjezera malo angapo osungira, kotero ngati wina watsika, wina adzagwira ntchito.
  • We made an ‘app’ for our TROM Cloud that now resides in our repo – this is mainly for our TROM Teams.
  • We now store the Gnome settings in ‘schema’ files on GitLab in order to fix a major bug: previously if the user selected the language, timezone, keyboard layout and so forth on installation, all of these settings would have been rewritten after the installation was done. No more! We also used to drag a lot of Gnome Settings garbage with how we used to store the Gnome Settings in the past. No more!
  • Tinakonza zolakwika ndi Gnome Tweaks zomwe zinalepheretsa Zowonjezera zonse za Gnome pakulowa kwa ogwiritsa ntchito.
  • Tidawonjezera slider yokhazikika ya okhazikitsa TROMjaro pofotokoza zomwe TROMjaro ikunena komanso pang'ono za lingaliro lopanda malonda.
  • Tsopano timagwiritsa ntchito kusanja kwa mapulogalamu a Gnome a TROMjaro kuti pulogalamu iliyonse ipite kufoda yake yoyenera ikakhazikitsa.
  • Because we realized that the last iso was too minimal and not-so-computer-savvy-users found it difficult to use it without installing a bunch of apps, we made sure that this time, most of the user’s needs are covered. We installed applications that allow users to open the most common files (audio, video, photo, documents, torrents). You can find the list on our new TROMjaro homepage
  • We tweaked Firefox a bit, removed some extensions and added a few others. Most notably, we implemented the DAT decentralized network into Firefox by default, which allows people to open .dat websites ‘natively’.

Kodi ogwiritsa ntchito akale ayenera kuchita chiyani?

First of all, you have to understand that we want a TROMjaro that doesn’t change from one release to another. We want to create the foundation of a house and let the user put the furniture in and all of that. Make it comfy for themselves. But we needed to do this foundation properly and we think that now we got it. So that’s how TROMjaro will look like from now on, as this last iso is.


Zitatha izi, muyenera kuchita izi:

  1. Sinthani nkhokwe yankhokwe. Pitani ku Add/Chotsani Mapulogalamu anu ndikudina batani la menyu. Kenako dinani Refresh Databases:

  2. It will ask you for your password then it will update the repositories. After it is done search for ‘tromjaro-mirrorlist’ in the Add/Remove Software. Find it and install it. That should be it! Close the Add/Remove Software then open it again- Refresh the databases one more time. Now you have access to the new TROMjaro repository.

Ndi chiyani chinanso chomwe mungachite? Kuti mugwiritse ntchito chizindikiro chathu, zosintha zina zomwe tidapanga, ndi netiweki ya DAT, yikani izi (zifufuzeni mu Onjezani/Chotsani Mapulogalamu):

  • tromjaro-gdm-theme
  • tromjaro-gnome-chipolopolo-kukonza
  • grub-theme-tromjaro
  • dat-fox-helper-git

Kufotokozera mwachidule ogwiritsa ntchito akale:

  • Tinasintha kumene malo athu amakhala kotero chonde sinthani izi.
  • Tawonjezera mtundu wina wa TROMjaro kuti muwonjezerenso izi pamakina anu.
  • Tawonjeza mapulogalamu angapo osasinthika omwe mungapeze patsamba lofikira la komwe mutha kuwayikanso ngati mukufuna.
  • We removed/added some Firefox extensions – all of the default extensions are listed on the same homepage (click any extension to install it if you desire).

That’s all! We are available on TROMjaro Support Chat ngati mukufuna ife.


Pakutulutsa uku tidayeretsa kugawa pang'ono ndikuthandizira kuthandizira kukhazikitsa mapulogalamu mwachindunji kuchokera ku Tinkaganiza kuti popeza tsopano ndikosavuta kukhazikitsa mapulogalamu athu omwe tikulimbikitsidwa kuti tigwiritse ntchito pawebusayiti, palibe ntchito yoti tiyike mapulogalamu ambiri mwachisawawa. Tikufuna kuti ISO ikhale yocheperako momwe tingathere ndikulola anthu kusankha mapulogalamu omwe akufuna kuti ayikidwe pamakina awo. Tidangosunga mapulogalamu oyambira komanso othandiza kwambiri omwe ali ofunikira pamakina, monga zosunga zobwezeretsera, makonda ndi ma tweaks, ndi zina zotero.


  • Tinachotsa/kuwonjezera ma addons angapo a Firefox. Kuyambira pano tidzangowonjezera zowonjezera zowonjezera za Firefox zomwe zimateteza ogwiritsa ntchito ku malonda a pa intaneti omwe amakakamizika kuchita nawo. Kotero tikuletsa malonda ndi ma tracker + kutsegula zolemba za sayansi zomwe zimabisika kuseri kwa paywalls. Tidzayamba kuwonjezera zowonjezera zowonjezera za Firefox ku kuti tizichita monga momwe timachitira kugawa kwakukulu, ndi cholinga chomwecho m'maganizo: lolani ogwiritsa ntchito kusankha momwe angasinthire Firefox yawo.
  • Tidachotsa mapulogalamu ambiri pamakina, monga LibreOffice, Webtorrent, ndi zina zotero, ndikungosiya zofunikira kwambiri.
  • Tidachotsa zowonjezera zingapo za Gnome popeza tiyambanso kuwongolera/kuwalimbikitsa patsamba lathu la Lolani wosuta asankhe!
  • Tawonjeza thandizo pakuyika mapulogalamu kuchokera ku kapena tsamba lililonse lomwe likufuna kukhazikitsa. Pano ndi phukusi kuti amalola mbali yotere.
  • Tidachotsa maphukusi ena kuti kugawa kukhale kosavuta, kuphatikiza chizindikiro cha Manjaro.
  • Ponseponse tachepetsa kukula kwa ISO kuchokera ku 2.2GB kupita ku 1.6GB.
  • Tawonjeza 3 maziko ena.

Pakumasulidwa kotsatira tikufuna kusunga Zosintha za Gnome m'njira yabwinoko kuti ma configs (chinenero, masanjidwe a kiyibodi, malo ndi ola) asalembedwe monga momwe alili tsopano. Tidzawonjezeranso chizindikiro chathu pakugawa. Tinkafuna kuchita zonsezi kuti timasulidwe koma tinalibe mphamvu ya munthu kuti tizichita :D.

ZINDIKIRANI: For previous TROM-Jaro users there is nothing special you have to do except updating the TROMrepo (since we removed some packages) – open the terminal and copy paste ‘sudo pacman -Syu’ – enter, then add your password. Second, add this line in the terminal ‘sudo pacman -Syu pamac-url-handler –overwrite /usr/bin/pamac-url-handler’ (enter) – so that you better enable the support for the web-installer. That’s all.… 2024 chithunzi………