immaġni tal-loader


RELEASE 25.07.2021

A few changes and a few updates. Here are the changes:

      • We have replaced Dash to Dock with Dash to Panel. This is the “apps bar”, left side. Dash to Panel has more options and seems to be better maintained. For current TROMjaro users, first uninstall Dash to Dock (search in the Add/Remove Software, or click hawn and disable it). Then install gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel. And if you have to configure it to look and behave like the default TROMjaro one, click hawn and grab the settings file. Then right click the Dash to Panel apps icon (the bottom one that opens up the apps section), and click Dash to Panel Settings. Now go to About and click Import File, and import the settings file.
      • We’ve also fixed the last TROMjaro ISO where the search bar was not displaying in the Dash. To do that, click hawn and open the settings of the extension then disable Hide Search.
      • We have removed 3 packages that are not needed anymore, and current TROMjaro users should delete them too (the upgrade may fail if you do not). The packages are: tromjaro-systemd-tweaks, tromjaro-gnome-shell-fix, tromjaro-branding.

Awtur: trom

A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux. We think it’s easier to use than MacOS, better than Windows, more customizable than Android, and more secure than iOS. For Internet users, media editors/consumers, programmers, writers, designers, artists. Everyone!

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