로더 이미지

영화 모나드

영화 모나드


  • You can play video files from your hard drive or stream videos from the web.
    • To play web videos, click the file open button, paste the URL into the text box, and click open.
  • You can play and pause.
  • You can seek/scrub through the video.
  • You can put the video on repeat.
  • You can slow down or speed up the video (great for lectures).
  • You can turn subtitles off or on and pick your language.
  • You can turn up, turn down, or mute the volume.
  • You can expand the video to full screen.
  • You can quickly resize the video to standard sizes.
  • You can resize the video to a custom size by resizing the window.
    • Movie Monad will responsively adjust the video size to fill the window.

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