로더 이미지




A clean and intuitive Markdown editor designed for those of you who love a distraction-free writing environment.
The inline preview makes writing Markdown as easy as it gets. Forget losing time formatting your text as you write it, just use **two asterisks** for bold words, a *single one* for italics, hashtags for titles and subtitles…

The inline preview will format it automagically for you, and the exported document will look awesome by default. If the inline preview isn’t enough, you can CTRL + CLICK on almost anything to get a quick popover preview. Images, links, footnotes, equations…
In any case you can always enable the Live Preview, to see your document compiled in real time.
PDF, ODT, Word, HTML… we have you covered. Apostrophe uses Pandoc, so almost any format is supported (even Beamer slides!)

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저작권 © 2024년 TROM-Jaro. 판권 소유. | 간단한 페르소나캐치 테마