iyaloyalo ni vakatawani




Kalendar is a calendar application that allows you to manage your tasks and events. Kalendar supports both local calendars as well as a multitude of online calendars: Nextcloud, Google® Calendar, Outlook®, Caldav, and many more.

Kalendar gives you many ways to interact with your events. The month view provides an overview of the entire month; the week view presents a detailed hour-by-hour overview of your week; and the schedule view lists all of your upcoming events so that you can easily and quickly plan ahead.

A tasks view is also available, making it possible for you to manage your tasks and subtasks with Kalendar’s powerful tree view and its customisable filtering capabilities.

Kalendar was built with the idea to be usable on desktop, on mobile and everything in between.

Biuta e Dua na iSaunitaro

Ena sega ni tabaki na nomu itikotiko ni imeli. Era sa makataki tu na lomanibai gadrevi *

© ni Dodonu ni Lavelavetaki 2024 TROM-Jaro. Dodonu kece e taqomaki. | Simple Persona mai veiToboka na iKau