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Friture is a real-time audio analyzer. The purpose of Friture is to help analyze an audio signal to understand the characteristics of this signal (fundamental, harmonics, feedback, etc.), to describe the source/room/receiver behaviour (reverberation, gain peaks, etc.), or to make adjustments in the preprocessing (room equalization). This is achieved by providing a set of widgets to visualize audio data:
  • 2D Spectrogram widget: The 2D spectrogram widget displays audio data versus both frequency and time, in a rolling-against-time fashion. The time-frequency resolution of the display is fixed by the window length of the Fourier transform (as for the minimum response time of the spectrum widget). It is also limited by the resolution of your display in pixels.
  • Spectrum widget: The spectrum widget displays audio data versus frequency. This is very appropriate to visualize the characteristics of tha signal: fundamental frequency, harmonics, feedback frequencies, etc. The response time of the display is configurable. The minimum response time is linked to the window length of the Fourier transform. For a FFT of 1024 points, and given the sampling rate of 48000 Hz used by Friture, the minimum response time is 1024/48000 = 21.3 ms. Additionally, the widget draws peaks for each frequency component. These peaks mark the recent maxima of the spectrum, and start to decrease shortly after the peak was reached. Finally, a label identifies the frequency of the global maximum of the spectrum.
  • Widget Octave Spectrum: Widget Octave Spectrum zobrazuje zvuková data v závislosti na čase, podobně jako widget Spectrum. Zvuková data jsou seskupena do frekvenčních košů se šířkou zlomku oktávy. Každý kmitočtový koš je výsledkem filtru zlomku oktávy.
  • Widget oboru: Widget oboru zobrazuje zvuková data v závislosti na čase. Časová stupnice je konfigurovatelná. Displej je synchronizován s ohledem na náběžnou hranu signálu umístěného ve středu časové osy, jak by to udělal tradiční rozsah.
  • Widget úrovně: Widget úrovně zobrazuje špičkový výkon (doba odezvy 25 ms, tj. Okamžitá) a výkon RMS (doba odezvy 300 ms) v dBFS (dB Full Scale). Když je povolen dvoukanálový režim, zobrazuje úrovně každého kanálu v samostatném měřítku.

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