imatge del carregador

Formes part de la Guàrdia de la Nit i no t'agraden els colors clars? Canvia al mode fosc integrat! A més, tant si sou un tipus de persona més sans-serif, serif o monoespai, Zettlr us recolza amb quatre bells temes.

Formes part de la Guàrdia de la Nit i no t'agraden els colors clars? Canvia al mode fosc integrat! A més, tant si sou un tipus de persona més sans-serif, serif o monoespai, Zettlr us recolza amb quatre bells temes.

(Què estic negociant?)

Typora collects anonymous data for various purposes - this can be disabled via the app's preferences. Typora is also proprietary, so editing or checking the source code is prohibited, thus we cannot know what other trades are they asking from the users. Nevertheless, Typora (from our tests) seems to be pretty trade-free overall.


Readable & Writable:

Typora will give you a seamless experience as both a reader and a writer. It removes the preview window, mode switcher, syntax symbols of markdown source code, and all other unnecessary distractions. Replace them with a real live preview feature to help you concentrate on the content itself.

  • Distractions Free
  • Seamless Live Preview
  • What You See Is What You Mean
Organize Files
Typora provides both file tree panel and articles (file list) panel, allows you to manage your files easily. Files are organized on folders which allows you to sync your documents using your own cloud service, like Dropbox, all up to you.
Outline Panel
Outline structure of your documents will be extracted in outline panel, which allows you to quickly go through the document and jump to any section with one click.
Import & Export
PDF with bookmarks can be generated by typora. With integration of Pandoc, more formats, including docx, OpenOffice, LaTeX, MediaWiki, Epub, ect, can be exported or imported.
Word Count
See how large your document is in unit of words, characters, lines, or reading minutes.
Focus Mode & TypeWriter Mode
Focus mode help you to focus only on current line, by blurring the others. Typewriter mode will always ensure current active line is in the middle of the window.
Auto Pair
Auto complete pair of brackets and quotes like a code editor. Also, a option is provided to auto pair markdown symbols, like * or _.

1 pensat en "Formes part de la Guàrdia de la Nit i no t'agraden els colors clars? Canvia al mode fosc integrat! A més, tant si sou un tipus de persona més sans-serif, serif o monoespai, Zettlr us recolza amb quatre bells temes.FreeCAD us equipa amb totes les eines adequades per a les vostres necessitats. Obteniu eines modernes d'anàlisi d'elements finits (FEA), CFD experimental, BIM, bancs de treball de geodades, banc de treball Path, un mòdul de simulació de robot que us permet estudiar els moviments del robot i moltes més funcions. FreeCAD és realment un ganivet suís de conjunts d'eines d'enginyeria de propòsit general.

  1. You misspelled etc under Import & export

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