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Comunicar-se sense comerç

communicate trade-free

Molta gent pot no pensar gaire en com es comuniquen entre ells a través d'Internet, ja que la majoria dels éssers humans estan usant "xarxes socials d'anuncis" i tota mena de missatgeria popular. Del que tal vegada no s'adonen és que aquests serveis estan basats en el comerç. Facebook, WhatsApp, Zoom, Skype i similars volen una mica dels usuaris: ja siga diners, dades o atenció (anuncis). Per tant, la comunicació entre les persones es fa a costa de tals intercanvis. Això és un problema, ja que les empreses que estan darrere d'aquestes eines estan més incentivades per a obtenir una mica dels usuaris en lloc de proporcionar-los una eina de comunicació privada, segura i rica en característiques. Però, hi ha alternatives a això? Existeixen eines lliures de comerç per a comunicar-se amb qualsevol persona a tot el món?

Per comunicació ens referim a: text, emoji, gifs, xats de grup, vídeo i àudio, o fins i tot compartir la pantalla. Per tant, un munt d'eines. El problema amb la comunicació és que pots necessitar algun punt central per a rebre i entregar missatges. Permeten-me explicar-ho ràpidament:

Ana vol comunicar-se amb Bubu. Enviar text, o imatges, o xat de veu/vídeo, i coses així. Estan a mig món de distància. Tenen una connexió a Internet. Com poden trobar-se i intercanviar informació?

Si utilitzessin un servei basat en el comerç com Facebook, llavors tot el que necessiten és un navegador (pensi-ho com una "aplicació"), visitar un lloc web específic (com, registrar un compte i ja poden buscar-se mútuament utilitzant la cerca en Facebook, per exemple. Necessitaran una identificació única en aquesta xarxa, així que Ana no pot triar el seu nom d'usuari com "Ana" ja que algú més l'està utilitzant, haurà de triar un altre, Ana_Banana_Mau, per exemple. El mateix per a "Bubu". El seu ANEU és llavors més fàcil de trobar per a Bubu en Facebook. Ana també rebrà un URL única, alguna cosa així com Ara pot connectar-se amb Bubu a través d'aquesta plataforma centralitzada utilitzant una aplicació (un navegador) + un compte. Tots els missatges, fotos i altres que s'enviïn entre si s'emmagatzemen en els servidors de Facebook, i després es lliuren a l'altre. Quan Ana envia els seus pensaments i fotos privades a Bubu, primer les envia a Facebook, Facebook les emmagatzema, i després ja les envien a Bubu.

Even if the messages are encrypted, Facebook has the power to still collect data about the users (when they send the messages, from where, and such); Facebook still has the power to insert ads into the messenger; Facebook has the power to force users to pay for this service, and such. That’s because Facebook is the central point and such a great power comes with a great incentive for coercion and abuse. Also, relying on a single central point means that if Facebook disappears, all that Ana and Bubu talked to each other and sent to each other will be lost. Forever.

Però necessitem tals "servidors" com Facebook per a permetre la comunicació, en cas contrari Ana i Bubu no poden trobar-se en aquest gran mar d'Internet. Facebook vol l'atenció dels usuaris (anuncis), i dades perquè puguin usar el seu servei de Facebook per a comunicar-se. Facebook també pot censurar i limitar el que els usuaris comparteixen entre si. Per tant, Facebook és una eina de comunicació basada en el comerç. Els usuaris intercanvien la seva privacitat i les seves dades, la seva atenció, i estan subjectes a limitacions en termes de comunicació. WhatsApp, Telegram, Zoom i la majoria d'aquestes populars plataformes de comunicació estan basades en el comerç. WhatsApp recopila dades, Telegram pot censurar el contingut, Zoom et limita tret que paguis, etc.

Per a reduir el risc d'un servei centralitzat de captació d'energia, podem crear "nodes". Els nodes són com a servidors, però múltiples i independents. A vegades els nodes poden ser altres usuaris. Permetin-me explicar-los:


Although multiple nodes seem like an excellent solution, there are trade-free communication tools that rely on a central point (server). If these services are supported by donations and they do not have a business model, then it is likely for them to be trade-free. One such example is Signal Messenger that relies on a central server, yet they do not want any trades from the users: no ads, no premium features, no artificial limitations except (perhaps) technical limitations. What Ana and Bubu need is a phone number to create an account with Signal, so that they can find each other and communicate. In this regard Signal is the same as Facebook, only that it is a “good” Facebook that wants no trades from the users. The messages between the Signal users are stored on a central server, but they are encrypted so Signal cannot know what users are doing. Therefore, they cannot censor any content or interfere with the communication between the two.

If the organization behind Signal gets into financial problems, then it is possible for them to push trades to users such as ads, data collection, premium features and the like. Relying on a centralized system can be a weak foundation for a communication platform. However, as long as the service remains trade-free, then it should not matter how that is achieved.


Ana and Bubu want to communicate with each other. To do that, they use a browser or a messaging application that, at its core, is set up to connect not with one central point like Signal, but to multiple of. Imagine many Signal’s independent of each other. So, say Ana and Bubu use the browser to visit the website. Similar to, this website allows users to register with a unique ID. Ana and Bubu register. Then they share their ID’s with each other either by using another way of communication (say email or phone) or searching for their usernames in the Riot’s database. In this regards Riot is very similar to Facebook or Signal.

The main difference is that Riot is based on a technology called [matrix] and this [matrix], to put it simply, allows for many clones of Riot anywhere in the world. Ana’s and Bubu’s accounts do not belong to Riot, but to the [matrix] network that Riot is built upon. Therefore if Ana wants to use another messaging app like Fractal, and not Riot, she can install Fractal and log in with the same username and password. Riot is like the shell, and [matrix] is the core. You can change both. If Fractal does not support video calls, then maybe Riot does, so the user can choose what to use. If one has limitations, then other may not. Alternatively you can change the core. Riot promotes their own [matrix] server ( to register with. The registration is trade-free it seems. Ana registers there but when she logs in with her ID through Riot, she sees that Riot pushes a notification about the paid-service “modular“. She hates ads and such an approach, so she decides to use another free [matrix] server from the many lists available online. She registers with and gets rid of that annoying ad, yet having access to the same features through Riot as before. Again, she uses the same Riot messenger but a different “node”. If Ana has the knowledge, she can create her own server (node) and host her own [matrix] so that she makes her own rules, and she can use Riot, Fractal or any other messaging app together with her own [matrix] server. Ana and Bubu have a much greater choice in terms of how to communicate online.

LEVEL 2 communication tool is great. It allows us to choose our “signal”. Variations of such protocols allow for users registered on one server to communicate with users from another server. So Ana and Bubu do not have to register with the same server. And the fact that users with experience can create their own servers means that the power is distributed so no central server can decide and govern over users. Since the LEVEL 2 communication relies on hopping from one node to another, and choosing between this and that, it can become a bit cumbersome for some users. Changing Riot with Fractal, the shell, is super easy, but changing the shell means you have to export your settings (if possible), from one node, and move to another.


What if instead of relying on nodes to register and manage the communication, we only use nodes to connect people and all of the hard work is done on people’s computers? LEVEL 3 is the best, easiest and the most robust trade-free of them all. Ana wants to talk to Bubu. They only need to install an application and register locally, on their computer (choose an username), and then share the uniquely created ID with the other one. That’s it. Now they are connected. But how?

When Ana writes a message to Bubu, her message (encrypted) jumps to all kinds of nodes, such as other users, or servers, that only connect the two. They do not and cannot store anything more than that. They are the phone lines between phones. And the fact that there are so many and randomly distributed around the world, it means that it is nearly impossible to cut the connection between Ana and Bubu. It also means that their communication cannot be censored or limited in any way. Ana can send as many photos and messages to Bubu as she wants. They can video call as much as they want. They can talk for as long as they want and whenever they want. And they also act as nodes. So the more people that join this network, the better. Beautiful. Distributed. Decentralized. Private. Robust. Local. Yours.

The downside of such a system is that the connection, at times, can be slow. Also, if Ana sends a message to Bubu then she goes offline, and Bubu is also offline, when Bubu returns back online he won’t see the message, since the message is hosted on Ana’s computer only. Bubu will receive the message when Ana comes back online. There are ways in this LEVEL 3 communication for messages to be stored by these random nodes and delivered even if the sender is not online anymore. The good part is that conversations are stored locally so no one can remove them, but you. In all, this level seems to be the best one so far. At LEVEL 3, Ana and Bubu can truly communicate trade-free, without any artificial restriction in place.

Trade Free alternatives

To sort out the trade-free apps that we will recommend, we will rely on the LEVELS of communication and 4 core features to showcase the usefulness of these trade-free apps (needless to say all of these applications use encryption – we are also going to ignore all email clients since they require you to have an account somewhere else, probably trade-based):





qTox is installed as default in TROMjaro for a reason: because it is the most complete of them all and the most trade-free of them all. You can easily create a local account and share it with your friends. Create group chats, send files of any size, do audio/video calls (although it does not support screen sharing), and more. It looks like a normal messenger, it works like a normal messenger, yet it is is fully decentralized and trade-free. It is yours, and you control it.

Signal Messenger is, for now, mainly meant for mobile. The desktop application only works in tandem with the mobile one, but we thought it is worth mentioning that such an app exists. On desktop one can send as many files as they want (however they are limited in terms of file-size), preview files in the app, send encrypted messages, emjoi and stickers, and do video/audio calls.

On Riot you can organize teams, voice/video chat in a decent way, and the text-based communication is very rich in terms of features. It allows the integration of a variety of tools such as document sharing, bots, public chats, and more. Riot, depending on the [matrix] server one uses, will have a file-size limit in terms of file sharing – a technical limitation being based on centralized servers. Overall Riot is one of the most complete and modern messengers out there.

Fractal is a very simplified version of Riot that is mainly geared for text-based communication. In a way, it makes communication of this kind better by removing most of the options you’ll see in Riot, allowing users to fully focus on the conversation itself. It does not provide audio/video chats, and same as Riot, it has a file-size cap for file sharing.

Cabal relies entirely on multiple nodes to create streams of communication. It is very easy to set up and use. Perhaps too simplistic. For basic communication (text) and group chats, Cabal does a good job. It does not support video/audio calls or file sharing. Therefore if you only want to text with your friends, then Cabal is perhaps the easiest to use and set up.

RetroShare provides perhaps the most complete suite of decentralized communication tools out there: chat, group chats, email, forum, channels, or advanced file sharing (with synchronization and all). It does support audio/video chat but it is experimental, very difficult to setup, and not reliable. You can organize teams with RetroShare in a very easy manner, and share as many files and folders with your friends as you want.

This is a very simple IRC (chat) app. Text based and channel oriented. Very simple, maybe too simple. It is a bit more complicated to understand how to connect with Ana, but once is done it is a simple chat messenger.

Jami is one of the best trade-free messaging apps as it is fully decentralized, it supports audio/video and file sharing, and it is very easy to use. It is true, it is not geared towards group-chats, but it does support video/audio calls between multiple peers. It is modern looking too.

Yet another Matrix client. This one does not support video/audio calls but the interface is very simple and cute. Group chats and file transfer are supported.

This article will be updated from time to time to add new apps to the list.

Autor: trom

A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux. We think it’s easier to use than MacOS, better than Windows, more customizable than Android, and more secure than iOS. For Internet users, media editors/consumers, programmers, writers, designers, artists. Everyone!

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