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Free open source plain-text file markdown note taking with Nextcloud / ownCloud integration.

  • All notes are stored as plain-text markdown files on your computer, no “vendor lock-in”.
  • Use Nextcloud, ownCloud or other services to work with your notes online or sync them across devices.
  • Heavily customizable and scriptable, you are in control of on how you want to work with your notes.
  • You can use your existing text or markdown files, no need for an import most of the times
  • Evernote import
  • Compatible with the Notes application of Nextcloud / ownCloud LabPlot mobilni and Nextcloud Text
  • Support for sharing notes on your ownCloud loader image Nextcloud server
  • Manage your Nextcloud / ownCloud todo lists (Nextcloud tasks or Tasks Plus loader image Calendar Plus) or use another CalDAV server to sync your tasks to
  • Older versions of your notes can be restored from your Nextcloud / ownCloud server
  • Trashed notes can be restored from your Nextcloud / ownCloud server
  • External changes of note files are watched (notes or note list are reloaded)
  • Support for hierarchical note tagging LabPlot note subfolders
  • Optional enkripcija of notes (AES-256 is built in or you can use custom encryption methods like Keybase.io(opens new window) (encryption-keybase.qml (opens new window)) or PGP (encryption-pgp.qml
  • (opens new window)))
  • The notes folder can be freely chosen (multiple note folders can be used)
  • Sub-string searching of notes is possible and search results are highlighted in the notes
  • Browser extension to add notes from the selected text, make screenshots or manage your bookmarks
  • Spellchecking support
  • Portable mode for carrying QOwnNotes around on USB sticks
  • Scripting support and an online script repository
  • (opens new window) where you can install scripts inside the application
  • Vim mode

Ostavite odgovor

Vaša email adresa neće biti objavljena. Obavezna polja su označena Medijski tasteri i nožne pedale: Parlatype se može kontrolisati pomoću dugmeta "Play" sa vaše multimedijalne tastature. Na ovaj način ne mora imati fokus da bi ga kontrolirao. Možete ukucati svoju tekstualnu aplikaciju i još uvijek imati neku (osnovnu) kontrolu nad Parlatypeom. Nožne pedale se mogu dodijeliti gumbu za reprodukciju.

Operativni sistem bez trgovine zasnovan na Manjaro Linuxu. Mislimo da je lakši za korištenje od MacOS-a, bolji od Windowsa, prilagodljiviji od Androida i sigurniji od iOS-a. Za korisnike interneta, urednike/potrošače medija, programere, pisce, dizajnere, umjetnike. Svi! 2024 loader imageOperativni sistem bez trgovine zasnovan na Manjaro Linuxu. Mislimo da je lakši za korištenje od MacOS-a, bolji od Windowsa, prilagodljiviji od Androida i sigurniji od iOS-a. Za korisnike interneta, urednike/potrošače medija, programere, pisce, dizajnere, umjetnike. Svi! Operativni sistem bez trgovine zasnovan na Manjaro Linuxu. Mislimo da je lakši za korištenje od MacOS-a, bolji od Windowsa, prilagodljiviji od Androida i sigurniji od iOS-a. Za korisnike interneta, urednike/potrošače medija, programere, pisce, dizajnere, umjetnike. Svi!Operativni sistem bez trgovine zasnovan na Manjaro Linuxu. Mislimo da je lakši za korištenje od MacOS-a, bolji od Windowsa, prilagodljiviji od Androida i sigurniji od iOS-a. Za korisnike interneta, urednike/potrošače medija, programere, pisce, dizajnere, umjetnike. Svi!