ጫer ምስል



(ምን እየነገድኩ ነው?)

Since this app may stream from YouTube (which is owned by Google), then Google may collect data about users. You may not be able to listen to some music unless you trade your data to Google. Also, many radio channels want people's attention (ads) in order to let the listeners listen to their radio.


Elegant music player for LINUX.

ዋና መለያ ጸባያት:

  • Allows search music online
  • Smart Music recommendation, can get you songs related to ant particular song
  • Allows organise music
  • Allows download song while streaming
  • Allows search YouTube and add result to library, sort results and other YouTube features
  • Plays audio only of YouTube streams (saves data bandwidth)
  • Player mini mode included , minimal player widget with always on capability and allows set transparency.
  • Internet radio, allows play more than 25k online radio stations, list them sort them according to language and country
  • Top music chart, allows list top 100 songs country wise
  • Top albums chart, allows list top 100 albums county wise
  • Beautiful Client side Decoration
  • Lyrics of playing songs and separate lyrics search
  • Powerful audio equalizers and audio filters.
  • Watch video of any song you want in your preferred audio and video quality
  • MPRIS protocol support
  • More features like cloud synchronisation of music using an online account coming soon
  • Support themes , Dynamic theme based on album art
  • የአስተያየት ጥቆማዎችን ይፈልጉ

3 ላይ ሃሳቦችኦሊቪያ

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