
類別: 視頻


Dragon Player is a multimedia player where the focus is on simplicity, instead of features. Dragon Player does one thing, and only one thing, which is playing multimedia files. Its simple interface is designed not to get in your way and instead empower you to simply play multimedia files.


Media Player Classic Home Cinema (mpc-hc) 被許多人認為是 Windows 桌面的典型媒體播放器。 Media Player Classic Qute Theater (mpc-qt) 旨在重現 mpc-hc 的大部分界面和功能,同時使用 libmpv 代替 DirectShow 播放視頻。


Jitsi Meet is an open-source (Apache) WebRTC JavaScript application that uses Jitsi Videobridge to provide high quality, secure and scalable video conferences. Jitsi Meet in action can be seen at here at the session #482 of the VoIP Users Conference.

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