
類別: 玩耍和享受


KBlocks係經典嘅落塊遊戲。 呢個想法係堆疊下降嘅嚿以創建冇任何間隙嘅水平線。 当一條綫完成時,它將被移除,遊玩區中有更多嘅空間可用。 当冇足夠嘅空間讓方塊掉落時,遊戲結束。


Bovo是一種五目(來自日語五目並べ – 點亮嘹五分)的遊戲,適合兩個玩家,對手交替將各自的象形圖放在遊戲板上。 (又名:連接五、五連、X同O、無節同十字架)


JuK is an audio jukebox application, supporting collections of MP3, Ogg Vorbis, and FLAC audio files. It allows you to edit the “tags” of your audio files, and manage your collection and playlists. It’s main focus, in fact, is on music management.


KHangMan係一款基於著名嘅劊子手遊戲嘅遊戲。 它針對6岁及以上嘅兒童。 遊戲有幾類單詞可供玩,例如:動物(動物單詞)和三個難度類別:簡單,中等和困難。 隨機選擇一個單詞,隱藏字母,您必須通過一個接一個的字母來猜測單詞。 每次你估錯一個字母時,就會畫出劊子手圖嘅一部分。 在被絞死之前,你必須猜出呢個詞! 你有10次嘗試。


Quadrapassel comes from the classic falling-block game, Tetris. The goal of the game is to create complete horizontal lines of blocks, which will disappear. The blocks come in seven different shapes made from four blocks each: one straight, two L-shaped, one square, and two S-shaped. The blocks fall from the top center of the screen in a random order. You rotate the blocks and move them across the screen to drop them in complete lines. You score by dropping blocks fast and completing lines. As your score gets higher, you level up and the blocks fall faster.

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