wíimbala' le cargador

Etiqueta: báaxal


KSnakeDuel is a simple Tron-Clone. You can play KSnakeDuel against the computer or a friend. The aim of the game is to live longer than your opponent. To do that, avoid running into a wall, your own tail and that of your opponent.

Teniente Skat

Le teniente Skat (ti' le alemán "Offiziersskat") leti' jump'éel báaxal ts'íibil ju'uno'obo' jats'utsile' ka atractivo utia'al u ka'ap'éel aj báaxalo'ob, tu'ux le ka' jugador le jump'éel oponente te' vivo wa jump'éel na'at artificial incorporada.


KReversi is a simple one player strategy game played against the computer. If a player’s piece is captured by an opposing player, that piece is turned over to reveal the color of that player. A winner is declared when one player has more pieces of his own color on the board and there are no more possible moves.


Taquin is a computer version of the 15-puzzle and other sliding puzzles. The object of Taquin is to move tiles so that they reach their places, either indicated with numbers, or with parts of a great image.

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