gambar loader

Kategori: Gambar

Poto Gnome

Aksés, atur sareng bagikeun poto anjeun dina GNOME. Pangganti anu saderhana sareng elegan pikeun ngagunakeun pangatur file pikeun ngurus poto. Ningkatkeun, motong sareng édit sakedap. Integrasi awan anu mulus ditawarkeun ngaliwatan Akun Online GNOME.


An easy to use geotagging application for the GNOME desktop, which aims to have a very streamlined and intuitive interface that makes it easy to apply geotags to photographs.


aMule is an eMule-like client for the eD2k and Kademlia networks, supporting multiple platforms.

Currently aMule (officially) supports a wide variety of platforms and operating systems, being compatible with more than 60 different hardware+OS configurations.

aMule is entirely free, its sourcecode released under the GPL just like eMule, and includes no adware or spyware as is often found in proprietary P2P applications.

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