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Category: Webamp

Media Player Classic

Media Player Classic Home Cinema (mpc-hc) is considered by many to be the quintessential media player for the Windows desktop. Media Player Classic Qute Theater (mpc-qt) aims to reproduce most of the interface and functionality of mpc-hc while using libmpv to play video instead of DirectShow.


QMPlay2 është një luajtës video dhe audio. Mund të luajë të gjitha formatet e mbështetura nga FFmpeg, libmodplug (përfshirë J2B dhe SFX). Ai gjithashtu mbështet CD audio, skedarë të papërpunuar, muzikë Rayman 2 dhe melodi të çipave. Ai përmban shfletuesin YouTube dhe MyFreeMP3.


Kaffeine is a media player. What makes it different from the others is its excellent support of digital TV (DVB). Kaffeine has user-friendly interface, so that even first time users can start immediately playing their movies: from DVD (including DVD menus, titles, chapters, etc.), VCD, or a file.


Pragha is a Lightweight Music Player for GNU/Linux, based on Gtk, sqlite, and completely written in C, constructed to be fast, light, and simultaneously tries to be complete without obstructing the daily work. 😉

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