dealbh luchdan

Roinn-seòrsa: dealbh luchdan


Tha Astrofox na phrògram grafaigean gluasad fosgailte an-asgaidh a leigeas leat do chlaistinn a thionndadh gu bhideothan gnàthaichte, a ghabhas roinneadh. Cuir còmhla teacsa, ìomhaighean, beòthachaidhean agus buaidhean gus seallaidhean iongantach gun samhail a chruthachadh. An uairsin cruthaich bhideothan àrd-mhìneachaidh airson an roinn leis an luchd-leantainn agad air na meadhanan sòisealta.


VVave manages your music collection by retrieving semantic information from the web, create playlists, tag music tracks, support for remote streaming using Nextcloud, and allows you to watch YouTube content.

Dragon Player

Dragon Player is a multimedia player where the focus is on simplicity, instead of features. Dragon Player does one thing, and only one thing, which is playing multimedia files. Its simple interface is designed not to get in your way and instead empower you to simply play multimedia files.

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