iyaloyalo ni vakatawani

iWasewase: sega

Chameleon Cursor

Chameleon Xcursors theme is a cursor set created primarily in Inkscape and ImageMagick (for semitransparent and shadow).
Work on KDE and GNOME.
The cursors border color is negative of body color for high visibility.
(Small/Regular/Large version included)

Maya Cursor

Maya Serie for Righties X11 mouse theme with available cursors size: 24, 32, 40, 48, 56 and 64 pixels. Available couple colours: Black (black pure, gray 6), Blue (accent blue, accent blue base), Green (accent green base, accent green shadow), Orange (orange base, orange shadow), Red (accent red base, accent deep red) and White ( white pure, grey 1). I am offering the full serie for right and left handed, with property multi sized and also as pack for those who don’t like or have trouble for choose the cursor size with mouse themes multi sized.

The pointers were made with Inkscape. Cursors are look well in both, dark and clear backgrounds. I will appreciate any comments to improve this cursor theme.

It isn’t completely flat, because the images has gradients; no blurs and no shadows. Works fine in Gnome and Unity, and I’ve added some symlinks to Steam, and everything needed for KDE with Kwin, Cinnamon, Pantheon, Xcfe.

Arch Cursor Complete

This X11 cursor theme is based on Arch Cursor Simple, completed with custom-made resize cursors that were missing. Original cursors I deemed unappealing in the original theme, such as ‘text’ and ‘crosshair’, were overhauled. Tested under Gnome and i3, and Sway on Wayland.

Bibata Cursor

Bibata na OpenSource, Compact kei na iyaya e caka kina na cursor. Na masterelop ni cakacaka oqo me baleta na kena vakatorocaketaki na Linux Experience kei na Vakila na dolavi ni ka e tu e OpenSoftwareWorld.

Canta Theme

Canta is a flat Material Design theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell which supports GTK 3 and GTK 2 based desktop environments like Gnome, Unity, Budgie, Pantheon, XFCE, Mate, etc.

© ni Dodonu ni Lavelavetaki 2024 TROM-Jaro. Dodonu kece e taqomaki. | Simple Persona mai veiToboka na iKau